Farmers are consistently exploring avenues to enhance productivity and efficiency on their farms. What if strip-tillage was the answer? Enter the SoilWarrior® by Environmental Tillage Systems. The SoilWarrior is more than just a tool for strip-tillage. It’s a way to zone in and take better control...
Transitioning to strip-till can be difficult, but for Mike Trom and Brad Spinler, they were able to see a difference in their crops when they used their SoilWarrior.
“The seed doesn’t care what the field looks like from the road. So I decided to make my seed happy, my crop happy and my pocketbook happy with the amount of money I spent on fertility. That’s why I purchased a SoilWarrior®.”
When it comes to strip-tilling with a SoilWarrior on a dairy farm, many think, “that will never work.” Luckily, we have seen how dairy farmers can incorporate a SoilWarrior into their operation and remain sustainable and prosperous.
For every farmer, sustainability holds a different meaning. To northern Minnesota sugar beet farmer James Johnstad, his brother Andrew and his father, David, sustainability not only means taking care of their land and resources but also having a farm they will be able to pass on to the next...
Change can be scary. Making adjustments to your farm operation can take months of careful consideration and research. After all, the average farmer only plants and harvests a crop about 50 times during their lifetime. One wrong decision could impact an operation for years to come.
Sustainability, what a buzzword right now. It’s seen daily on packaging, from the grocery store to the gas station, and even on children’s toys. Sustainability has a different meaning to each person. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines sustainable as “of, relating to, or being a method of harvesting...