Members of the ETS team are frequent guests on the Ag Ph. D. Radio show. The following episode is related to the topic of Nitrogen Stabilizers.
Nitrogen stabilizers are the main topic of the first episode. Eric Moore focuses on the tillage part of the stabilization and mentions how there are a lot of different nitrogen application methods that are geographically matched. He also says it is easier to treat Nitrogen as a two-by-two method or think of using it for a band to know how much to apply.
Check out the episode by clicking on the picture below!
Nitrogen Stabilizers Ag PhD Radio Show
Nitrogen application is what Eric Moore focuses on in the beginning of the second episode. Eric starts by focusing on where the farmer is located geographically before offering advice on nitrogen stabilizers. Eric states that many farmers use nitrogen stabilizers to avoid leeching. This episode also covers the differences in fertilizer types and why they are used in different areas of the country.
Check out the episode by clicking on the picture below!
Nitrogen Stabilizers #2- Ag PhD Radio Show
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